Share a concern
If you’re worried about someone, call the ACT Early Support Line on 0800 011 3764, in confidence, to share your concerns with our specially trained officers.
This support line is available 24 hours every day.
If you are a member of public sector staff such as a teacher, GP, police officer or social worker we would encourage you to continue to use your designated safeguarding route to make referrals to Prevent or seek further advice. The advice line is designed for members of the public to use, especially friends and family, or those who work with vulnerable or young people in volunteering roles.
If you’re deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, a police non-emergency number is available as a text phone service on 18001 101.
Remember in an emergency, please make sure you’re safe and dial 999.
What details do we need?
We’ll need some information about the person you’re worried about, but it will help the Prevent officer to know your details in full, too. We may need to ask you more questions, to make sure we’re taking the right steps.
Your personal details will be kept safe. Everything is in confidence.
What happens to the information?
We will keep all the information you give us safe and secure.
Anything you tell us will only be seen by a small number of specially trained police officers and staff who need to see it. If we talk to our partners, we may need to share some information with them – but only to find the right support for the person you’re worried about.
Who else do we work with?
Working together with other organisations, our Prevent officers have helped many people to move away from extremism and find a new direction. In most cases there is no need for ongoing police involvement and the right support could be from mental health services, youth workers, social services or whoever is best placed to help.
If you’d rather not talk to us directly, there are other people and organisations you can speak to. This could be a teacher, a community organisation or faith leader, your local authority or a health professional.
If you prefer to look online first, here are some other organisations you can go to for advice and support.
What do you need to tell us?
All you need to do is tell us why you’re worried. We’ll ask you questions about the person who may need some help, such as their name and age and what has caused you concern. You don’t have to give your name if you don’t want to.
We have a duty of care to vulnerable people. Anyone with concerns about someone can make the difference by reaching out to us for help.
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