Our partners
By working together with other organisations and putting the right package of support in place, our Prevent officers have helped many people to move away from extremism and find a new direction.
But if you’d rather not talk to us directly, there are other people you can speak to. This could be a teacher, a community organisation or faith leader, your local authority or a health professional.
If you prefer to look online first, here are some other organisations you can go to for advice and support.
Partners list

Families For Life
familiesforlife.org.ukIndependent and confidential counselling and support for families or friends affected by radicalisation.

Families Against Extremism
faesupport.co.ukOffer support to families whose loved ones may be active in extreme groups or ideology.

Internet Matters
internetmatters.org/issues/radicalisationInformation for parents who want their children to be safe online.

UK Safer Internet Centre
saferinternet.org.ukA partnership of three leading organisations that promote safer use of technology for young people.

Parent Zone
parentzone.org.ukInformation and support in understanding the digital world, to help raise resilient children.

South West Grid for Learning Trust
swgfl.org.ukOnline content and support network for families, agencies and schools.

Educate Against Hate
educateagainsthate.comOfficial HMG resource offering advice and guidance to protecting children from radicalisation and extremism.
Who can you talk to locally?
Contact your local police force using this link police.uk/contact/force-websites Your local authority may have a safeguarding lead; you can contact your local authority using this link gov.uk/find-local-councilAll of us involved in the Prevent process are helping and supporting people to make a difference. I’ve seen the role the police have in this and they really get it and how it can make a difference on a personal level. It means people can get the support they need.
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